On the morning of Day Seven, the East and West legs of the tour reunited at long last. The day began with a debriefing after breakfast of recent coverage in the press highlighting the excitement to come this week in Louisville...yet another sign of the escalating momentum of the 2005 Truth Tour. Indeed, all signs point to a week of historic proportions. |  On Sunday morning, churches all over Louisville opened their doors to members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. In total, farmworkers and their allies addressed fifteen separate congregations throughout the city, bringing light to the injustices in the fields of Florida and the US agricultural industry at large.
 In many instances, Coalition members connected their campaign to the social teachings of the Bible, expanding upon the powerful idea at the heart of James 2:17 -- "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."
|  Through the numeorus presentations, members of Louisville's religious community attached a very human face to the tomatoes found in their gorditas, Big Macs and double whoppers.
 After an incredibly busy morning of delivering speeches and meeting Louisville congregations (on top of an intense week of travelling the country), members of the Coalition and their allies regrouped at their temporary Louisville headquarters to celebrate their safe arrival and share stories about the previous week. For those present, it was a powerful moment of reflection and community. |  Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church has done everything imaginable in solidarity with the Coalition, transforming itself and the Louisville community through the partnership. Not only did the congregation open its doors in fellowship, it also opened its heart to the message and people behind the Truth Tour.
 In the evening, we gathered for a welcoming dinner with the Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church. Members of the congregation and tour riders reunited over a home-cooked meal, eagerly discussing the events planned for the week of education and action. |  From the main course right down to the handwritten greetings at each placesetting, the overwhelmingly generous welcome extended to the Coalition and its allies by Crescent Hill will not be forgotten. |
 Local singer/songwriter John Cage bids a fond hello to the Coalition and its allies with a song by Woody Guthrie about the mistreatment of farmworkers in the US. The performance was a fitting closing to an evening celebrating the commencement of the CIW's week in Louisville. |  In the end, the day proved to be one of anticipation and jubilation. The group was sent off with blessings and wishes of peace as they headed into the second week of the Truth Tour, with more excitement yet to come. For decades, people of faith have stood side by side with farmworkers throughout the country in the long struggle for dignity and a just wage, and Crescent Hill has certainly kept that tradition alive, standing by the Coalition in its struggle. Click here for more photos from Day 7! Click here for photos & reports from Day 8! |