On June 23rd, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s 217th General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution supporting ongoing work with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Campaign for Fair Food. The resolution affirms the 2.4 million-strong church’s partnership with the CIW and authorizes its General Assembly Council to support consumer action such as a boycott in partnership with the Alliance for Fair Food.

Following the supportive vote, Lucas Benitez rose to address the packed Assembly, exclaiming, “Farmworkers are also people of faith like you and we are partners in mission with the Presbyterian Church.  Our mission is to transform the corporate food and agricultural industries into a fair food system that ensures human rights.”

He thanked the church for its leadership during the successful Taco Bell boycott noting, “The church is absolutely necessary in this cause because of the power and credibility it has with corporations.”  He underscored the importance of the church’s moral and consumer power.

The General Assembly took place in Birmingham, AL, one of the hearts of the civil rights struggle. “Being here (in Birmingham), he said, “reminds me of what Dr. King said a few days before his death; that he had reached the mountain top and that he had seen the Promised Land and he knew we would all get there together as one single society.  I am here today to tell you that we are closer to that vision becoming a reality.”

As over 700 people rose to their feet in a standing ovation, Lucas presented the newly elected moderator, Rev. Joan Gray, a photo of outstretched farmworker hands. Click here for the article!